Julio, 2015
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RTPA, 26 de julio, 2015. |
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El Comercio, 14 de julio & 24 de julio, 2015 |
Febrero, 2015
Chinese New Year of the Sheep.
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Genteventos - 2015 |
Enero, 2015
ArtRooms 2015. London,
Meliá White House.
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Artículo en Genteventos |
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Artículo en Genteventos |
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Artículo en MAKMA de Miguel Mallol. |
December, 2014
Curated by Rekha Sameer.
Let Art Work Gallery - Pune (India) 2014
from 18th to 28th, December, 2014.
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The Best Art from London in Pune by Lorenzo Belenguer |
Huffington post
Calendario de Adviento December, 2014 |
November, 2014
October, 2014
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Equilibriarte |
Huffington Post.
Spain Culture UK
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Spain Culture UK |
Art Gossips
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Art_Gossips |
Entrevista de Naiara Valdano para Art_Gossips
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2nd, October 2014. |
My profile at The Other Art Fair was chosen as top favorites by the Huffington Post.
September, 2014
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The Other Art Fair. |
#Time: Spitalfields was chosen highlight art of the week by The Other Art Fair.
May, 2014
Italoeuropeo by Francesca Bianchi.
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Italoeuropeo: The Other Art Fair. |
April, 2014
Huff Post by Lorenzo Belenguer.
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Huff Post: Monday 21st, April, 2014. |
Thanks Lorenzo.
#Artistoftheweek at Debut Contemporary,
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#artistoftheweek. |
April, 2014
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The Other Art Fair: Susanalf |
February, 2014
artFix London
High art on the high street
artFix London |
Enero, 2014
December, 2013
Christmas is not all about shopping . . .
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#CalendariodeAdviento. |
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Debut Contemporary: Get a copy. |
September, 2013
Scopophilia Collage Exhibition.
A postcard Collage exhibition, Thanks to Theo Miller for his effort. Visit the exhibition here:
A project to collect and curate woodland Photography from around the world.
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Forest |
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Forest Gallery |
Tutorial: The Art Boulevard.
August, 2013
Tutorial en The Art Boulevard: Merging two images in Photoshop.
Y en Español: Chulavista - Méjico y The art boulevard - España
July, 2013
El Destino, ¿Qué nos dicen las cartas?.
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Pitita ya no vive aquí. Exposición colectiva Photoarte Komite. Puedes leer más aquí. Discover more here. |
Julio, 2013
Cortefiel con los NUEVOS TALENTOS
In July, my work Territorios, was involved in a project by Grupo Cortefiel “Nuevos talentos” - the second largest apparel retailer in Spain. For this special event The Grupo assign their 18 shop windows throughout Spain to 18 exciting upcoming artists to convert them in an art Gallery. Other artists involved include Leila Amat Ortega, Maria Turon (Madrid), Lola Marin (Murcia), Ivan Suarez (Sevilla), etc.
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Discover #Territorios in Santander. |
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June, 2013
Do you remember the Spotlight Artist by Kelvin De Veth (twitter: @kelvindv
Editor and Talent Scout at Debut Contemporary) on 3rd June, 2013?. And, do you remember when I travelled to Madrid to Se Alquila Mercado event?.
Well the team from Art Boulevar read my interview and they ask me to publish it in their platform and here it is:
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The art boulevard: Susana Lopez Fernandez
Spotlight Artist this week.
This week I am the Spotlight Artist in Debut Contemporary! You can read the interview here:
May, 2013
SeAlquila Mercado
En la muestra efímera Se Alquila Mercado presento una serie de fotografías que nos muestran diferentes mercados a lo largo y ancho de toda la geografía, desde Londres a Hong Kong, deteniéndonos en Nápoles o Barcelona.
Esta selección de imágenes forman parte de mi vida privada, cuando las hice no tenía la intención de exponerlas. Las fotografías las tomé cuando voy a hacer la compra al mercado o cuando paseaba por los mercados que visito en ciudades donde estuve de visita o residí por cortos periodos de tiempo. Me gustan los mercados porque nos muestran el verdadero alma de las ciudades.
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©Susanalf, 2013. |
I introduce a serie of photographs that show us different markets from London to Hong Kong with stop over in Naples or Barcelona.
These photos are part of my private life, I haven´t taken them with the intention of exposing. I took them when I went shopping or when I was in another city as a tourist or living ther for a short time and I want to discover the real city.
Ven a descubrir más los días 16, 17 y 18 de mayo en SeAlquila Mercado.
Mercado de la Cebada, Plaza de la Cebada s/n, Madrid.
Jueves 16 de mayo – de 17:00 a 20:30
Viernes 17 de mayo – de 9:00 a 14:00 / de 17:00 a 20:30
Sábado 18 de mayo – de 9:00 a 14:30
March, 2013.
Thursday 7 March 2013 – Private view will be held at Tokarska Gallery, 6pm-8pm
Saturday 9 March 2013 – Performance night: 6-9pm. Music provided by Mark BeazleyThursday 7 March – Sun 17 March 2013 – Exhibition will be open to the public Thursday to Saturday 12pm – 7pm
Tokarska Gallery
163 Forest Road
London, E17 6HE
United Kingdom
Read the catalogue online:
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Kensington Church Walk. ©2010 Susanalf. |
September, 2012
In November 2009, when the city of Berlin was celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a twist of the fate brought together six international artists: Jacqueline Kooter, Shirley Wiebe, Susana Lopez F, Thea Jentjes, Wai Kit Lam and Wai Yi Lai.
1aSpace presents Destination Berlin, a group exhibition about the search for individual and collective identity through the work that was created during their shared art residency in the city of Berlin.
We start a journey through their different views and we explore different art techniques from graphite to paint to multimedia art, and we travel to investigate the different faces and interpretations of identity
Jacqueline, Shirely, Susana, Thea, Kit and Yi investigate concepts such as communication and integration in a city where the unfamiliar language of German made them vulnerable. At the same time, these circumstances help them to go within in order to express and respond to new complexities.
DESTINATION BERLIN: the search of identity.
1a Space is pleased to introduce Destination Berlin, a group exhibition about the search for individual and collective identity through the work of 6 international artists: Jacqueline Kooter, Shirley Wiebe, Susana López F., Thea Jentjes, Wai Kit Lam and Wai Yi Lai.
The concept of identity has been an ongoing discussion between artists and philosophers from the early centuries to the present. We define identity as “the state or fact of remaining the same one or ones under varying aspects or conditions”.
This exhibition reveals six individual glances and expressions on the theme of identity, through a common platform: the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of the German city.
The nomadic and fluctuating qualities that define contemporary life often require us to relocate to another city, a different country, with a new language and cultural background that are different from our own.
Connections between environment, memory and identity form a continuous thread of questioning in Shirley´s work. Much of it is transient and migratory, reflecting our ability to move and relocate, to shift our lives into new settings.
In Destination Berlin, Shirley exhibits two large-scale drawings, the first one created in Berlin, and second, upon returning to Vancouver. The works vividly reflect the experience of being immersed in a new environment and culture through fragmentary elements that appear to float and drift across a surface.
Susana López F. Shows in her work a reflection of many hours spent in airports waiting for flights. She explores how airports are places where identity is scrutinized and we become anonymous, but at the same time is the center of contemporary culture.
In Destination Berlin, Susana shows us Letzter Aufruf. This project is a convergence of both topics from the show: Identity and the reunification of Berlin. In November 2011, Susana travelled to Berlin to give graphic testimony of two airports: Tegel and Schönefeld, which are still memory of that Wall that some day ago divided the city and also the whole world into two: West and East.
And perhaps Identity, that we consider so valuable nowadays, was something people from East Berlin wanted to lose in order to have an anonymous life that let them be free.
Jacqueline Kooter reflects on the lack of freedom to move around using three videos: “Walled in”, “Blocked off” and “Trapped in the city”. These videos are based on her stay in Berlin during the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 2009.
Thea, shows us a series of drawings mostly with architectural elements, a reflection of her long walking tours in the formerly divided city. A reflection about how absurd history can be in a city where most of the official buildings are duplicated because of its old leaders´ search of identity.
As a result of her constant international trips Wai Kit Lam thinks about who She is very often. She feels as Chinese when she is abroad and when she comes home she feels closer to Western culture than Chinese Traditions. During her stay in Berlin in 2009, Wai Kit continues to examine her identity in this foreign city through a language she does not speak and is not able to understand.
We are going to conclude with Wai Yi Lai´s work. She is a Chinese artist, which work is about the relationship between the environment and people. She looks for her identity through the surrounding environment, but for her surrounding environment refers to the correlation between humans and the entities embracing us. In Destination Berlin she shows us a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Gu . . . and all who have lost their home in China.
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Animación de Irene López. www.irenemates.com |
July, 2012
Julio - agosto, 2012. Exposición colectiva Ph´a´ke
Después de tanta felicidad nos quedó un inmenso vacío.
Cuando a principios de mes, Igor me propuso el tema de la colectiva de este año: Crisis, What Crisis? y la libertad absoluta para enfocar el tema, me decidí por la crisis de valores y principios, la falta de educación, la falta de respeto, la envidia, la hipocresía, el materialismo, etc. que actualmente afecta a nuestra sociedad.
Después de darle vueltas y vuelta e intentar escribir un texto exponiendo mi opinión y darme cuenta de que no me gusta y que estoy intentando imponer mis ideas como si de un manual de buena educación se tratase, me acordé de una frase “Explícame las cosas como si tuviera dos años”.
Así que decidí recurrir a las fábulas y a sus moralejas para que me ayudasen a expresar lo que quiero.
Una fábula es un breve relato ficticio, en prosa o verso, con intención didáctica frecuentemente manifestada en una moraleja final, y en el que pueden intervenir persona, animales y otros seres animados o inanimados.
La Cigarra y La Hormiga y La gallina de los huevos de oro, son dos fábulas clásicas que se atribuyen a Esopo y que posteriormente recopilaron autores como Jean de La Fontaine y Félix María Samaniego, entre otros. Las versiones que he escogido pertenecen a Félix María Samaniego.
El traje nuevo del Emperador, es un cuento de hadas danés escrito por Hans Christian Andersen y publicado en 1837 como parte Eventyr, Fortalte for Børn.
Cedo la palabra a los protagonistas de estos cuentos y que cada uno extraiga su moraleja.
El traje nuevo del emperador.
La cigarra y La hormiga.
(Versión de Félix María de Samaniego)
La gallina de los huevos de oro.
Visita la exposición completa en: Photoartekomite
Visita el catálogo completo en:
June, 2012
Thanks to ANONYM
The whole magazine is available online, visit:
Anonym Magazine
Anonym Magazine
June, 2011
Somos múltiples,
la imposibilidad del retrato único en el s.XXl
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Pies y zapatos. |
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